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Canoodle Marketing for Performers

Seven Secrets Of Turning One-Time Customers Into Life-Long Clients!   “Possibly The Last Marketing Resource You Will Ever Need!” Imagine… · Not worrying about whether or not you can pay your bills · Not being concerned about where your next show is coming from · Not worrying about how you’re going to afford to put your kids through college · Not having to take every show that comes along · Taking your dream vacation without concern for cost · Owning everything you want to own, and more · Becoming competition-proof · Your parents bragging to their friends about what you do for a living · Clients meeting you at your car and hugging you · Not making your spouse go out and get a job (AND your spouse not making YOU go out and get a “real” job!)   Take your business to the next plateau of success and enjoy unbridled peace of mind knowing you are set financially. Join Master Marketer STEVE TAYLOR as he uses his thirty-five plus years of self-marketing experience to show you how you can increase your business FIVE-FOLD without spending any more time or money. Over six hours of marketing instruction on five audio CD’s; advice and practical principles that you will use to take the guesswork out of your marketing, increase your high-paying bookings and enjoy life like you were meant to! It’s all here in Canoodle Marketing!            Highlights of the many topics that Steve covers; · The Psychology of Successfully Selling Yourself · Five Ways “Canoodling” is Different from All Other Marketing     Programs · Five Character Qualities of a Canoodler · Understanding Your Client’s Cravings · Power of First Contacts · Ten Ways of Effectively Courting Your Clients · Using Your Client’s Emotional Commitment Pyramid To Your     Advantage · Cultivating Your Clients For Life · Eight Ways To Turn Customer Crisis Into Cash · Why and How Emotional Copywriting Works Big! · How Charging More Actually Gets You More Business · Using Objections To Your Advantage · Power and Profit of Packaging · How Three Little Pieces of Paper Equal Huge Profits · Plus Much, Much, More!   If you are ready to break free from the burden of marketing and have it start working FOR you instead of AGAINST you, then Steve Taylor’s BRAND NEW “Canoodle Marketing” is for you!   Don’t worry, Canoodle Marketing is NOT about cold calling, shotgun mailings or performing a zillion small-paying shows. It IS about increasing the quality of your clients and working smarter, not harder! It’s about taking your marketing to the next level of success, to start making a comfortable LIVING from your performing.   If you’re thinking, “I’ve bought the other guy’s programs, I don’t need this,” realize that Canoodle Marketing is unlike anything already on the magic market. It is an original process developed personally by Steve Taylor over 35 years of self-booking and self-promotion. Most marketing programs end when you’ve booked the first show, but Canoodle Marketing is about turning that first time customer into a life-long client…and ultimately a life-long friend. One of the hardest things to do is to get that first show, one of the easiest is to get the second and third. Canoodle Marketing tells you exactly how to turn one show into a life-long stream of income. It focuses on your clients, on uplifting them and making them feel good about booking you over and over again. Timeless principles that work no matter what venue you are booking; birthday parties, daycares, libraries, schools, corporations, etc.              Have you ever noticed that most marketing programs being advertised are from people you’ve never heard of? Canoodle Marketing is from trusted kid-show entertainer, authority, author and marketing consultant to the pros, Steve Taylor (creator of the Komedy Kidshow Klinic, the Creative Kidshow Conference, co-author of Creative Kid Talk, the Family Fun Forum in M.U.M. Magazine, the Komedy Kid-Show Kassettes and inventor of dozens of classic kidshow effects). In over six hours on five audio CD’s, Steve reveals the TRUE secrets that show you how to honestly spend less time and money on your marketing and still increase your business, secrets that Steve has used to book his calendar full for over 35 years! Steve’s putting his knowledge, experience and success to work for you.           If you’re serious about your future success and you’re ready to make an INVESTMENT in your performing career, then ACT TODAY! Call toll- free right now, 1-888-473-7869. Your life-changing and career-boosting investment of $297.00 (or make 3 easy credit card payments of $99) in Canoodle Marketing will be the best money you will ever spend!   Since Canoodle Marketing will pay for itself with ONE additional booking, don’t ask yourself “Can I afford to buy them?,” ask yourself, “Can I afford NOT to buy them?”   PLUS! 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: (For the Original Purchaser Only) If you follow the principles contained on these CD’s and your business doesn’t at least DOUBLE in two years, return the CD’s in two years for a full refund of your purchase price!   When the performing pros need marketing help, who do they turn to? Steve Taylor!   "…a MUST OWN for every serious entertainer. I highly recommend Canoodle Marketing…" Barry Mitchell, Creative Kidshow Magician & Author   “…a superb job…it's the best thing I've ever done to promote my shows…I am getting more shows than ever!” David Ginn, Magician/Author/Lecturer   “First:  Let me just say that your new marketing course is a must have!  Through the years I have purchased many marketing courses…as I strongly believe that you can always learn something from everyone.  The problem however, with almost every course, is that they cover the same thing, the same thing, the same thing.  Your course goes where no-one else dares to to really book the shows and keep the customers coming back. “In my 20 years in the entertainment business (8 years full time), I thought I had uncovered almost everything there was to know about keeping myself booked crazy and so far I've done a good job of it.  However, I now must confess that you've shared ideas and suggestions that have never crossed my mind.  Looking back over the years and the amount of money I've spent on conventions, conferences and courses, I would have to say that the $297.00 price for Canoodle has been my best investment.   I've already listened to the course twice in the last 2 days and have a million thoughts and ideas running through my head.  Without a doubt, 2006 will be my best year ever thanks to the course.  Thanks for holding nothing back and offering a course that is totally different from others.  I hope you sell a million.  Wait a minute...NO I DON'T because I don't want others knowing the secrets of success that you have shared.”          Todd McKinney,, Hewitt, TX   “It's been about 6 months or more since I bought the Canoodle course from you and I hate to tell you this but it is not working as well as you claim it will.  It's working better!  I've already got several clients who have booked me on the spot for next year simply because of my change of attitude.   Your ideas and suggestions are beyond explanation!”  An update from Todd McKinney,, Hewitt, TX                             “…all I can say is WOW!  What a great philosophy—what great ideas!  Every working pro should have a set of these CDs, and you may quote me on that! THANK YOU!”                                     Rick Morse, Michigan   One additional booking will pay for the whole thing! So, if you’re finally ready to stop struggling and change your life, this investment in your future is only $297.00 and worth every penny! Guaranteed! Call 1-888-473-7869 Today! If you have any questions, comments or concerns about Canoodle Marketing, Please don’t hesitate to email Steve personally at and he’ll get back to you as soon as he can! ***AND, if you’re still not sure, send a $10 paypal payment to Steve Taylor and receive a Sample CD with a 30-minute clip from Canoodle Marketing. If you end up ordering, Steve will deduct the $10 from your total AND send you a free gift along with your Canoodle Marketing course! $297.00

Module A - Birthday Party Marketing

Now Available!  – A huge key to Canoodle Marketing is that you can’t market to one venue like you market to others. Every market has its’ idiosyncrasies and a smart and savvy performer will acknowledge these differences and use them to their marketing advantage! Therefore, Steve has created Modules CD’s that address each market and how to master that particular market with Canoodle Marketing. Module “A” CD’s contain all of the information you will need to make your birthday party business Go Ballistic! It takes Canoodle Marketing and directly applies it to the birthday party field. Based on Steve’s extensive experience, you will learn the secrets of becoming the number one birthday party performer in your area, plus learn how you can turn birthday party performing into a full-time living. That’s right, work three days a week and take four off! Steve’s principles are not based on theory, manipulation or cold calling, but based on his personal, practical experience of booking himself as a birthday party performer for over 25 years. If you own Steve’s lecture notes (now out of print), “Making Your Birthday Biz Go Ballistic,” these three CD’s update and expand that information 200%,  bringing it into the twenty-first century. You can’t market birthday parties today like you did five or ten years ago. Stop guessing and let Steve’s success work for you, call and order today! Canoodle Marketing Modules are available to people who have purchased Steve Taylor’s “Canoodle Marketing” five CD set (see above) for the low, low price of only $47.00 per module (and may be purchased at the time of your “Canoodle Marketing” purchase or any time thereafter). If you have not purchased the Canoodle Marketing Course, you can buy any module for only $97.00. $97.00

Module B - Library Show Marketing

Now Available! – Module B’s additional CD contains all of the information you will need to create reading motivation shows and book them at libraries during their summer reading programs. Using the principles of Canoodle Marketing, jam-packed and chock full of practical information, Module B reveals the secrets Steve has learned in his thirty plus years of booking his summers full with library presentations. Much different than birthday party and school show marketing, Steve will reveal to you what librarians are looking for and how to win them over so that you are their first choice in summer reading programming. Steve is America’s number one authority on the library show market, having taught on the subject numerous times at Kidabra. Steve has practically “written the book” on library show creation and marketing. But since this “book” was never released to the general public, Steve has updated and recorded this information on these CD’s and is releasing them to you, the Canoodler, exclusively. With Steve’s secrets, you can dominate the library market in a very short time and fill up your summer calendar 110%. For the past sixteen years, Steve has booked over sixty library shows each summer and has had to turn down dozens more. Currently, he keeps a waiting list of libraries that want his show if one of his “regulars” doesn’t book. This is the kind of marketing success you will achieve if you allow Steve’s success to go to work for you. PLUS! You will receive a BONUS audio CD of Steve’s lecture at Kidabra, “Remarkable Reading Routines” and a BONUS DVD of Steve performing his “Buggy About Books” Library Show! Call and order today. Canoodle Marketing Modules are available to people who have purchased Steve Taylor’s “Canoodle Marketing” five CD set (see above) for the low, low price of only $47.00 per module (and may be purchased at the time of your “Canoodle Marketing” purchase or any time thereafter). If you have not purchased the Canoodle Marketing Course, you can buy any module for only $97.00. $97.00
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Module C - School Show Marketing

Now Available! – One of the most popular business-expanding career steps for the family performer is to add educational shows to his/her repertoire. The most obvious market for such shows is the school assembly arena. Steve has made his full-time living from this market for the past twenty-five years and in these Module “C” CD’s he tells you how to apply his success to your career. Steve holds nothing back, everything he has learned to fill his school show calendar full is contained here. No stone is left unturned as Steve reveals what kind of educational show sells, who to contact, what to say, the most effective mailings, a proven contact schedule, the power of the repeat booking, school-brochure emotional copy writing, putting together teacher packets, booking Family Fun Nights, plus much, much, more! All of the insider information you will need to make your living from the educational school show market is here! These CD’s takes Canoodle Marketing principles and directly apply them to the school show market. Steve’s principles are not based on theory, manipulation or cold calling, but based on Steve’s practical experience of booking himself full-time in schools for over 25 years. When the performing pros need marketing help, to whom do they come? Steve Taylor! (See the above testimonials). Put the power and expertise of the Consultant-To-The-Pros to work for you! Call and order today! Canoodle Marketing Modules are available to people who have purchased Steve Taylor’s “Canoodle Marketing” five CD set (see above) for the low, low price of only $47.00 per module (and may be purchased at the time of your “Canoodle Marketing” purchase or any time thereafter). If you have not purchased the Canoodle Marketing Course, you can buy any module for only $97.00 $97.00

Baker’s Dozen to Raising More Dough!

13 Tiny Tips To Transform Your Take-Home From Tepid To Terrific! This audio CD captures Steve’s last marketing lecture at Kidabra. In a rapid fire succinct presentation, Steve shares 13 tiny steps that add up to big financial results. If you need a quick marketing “wake up call” or enjoy simple practical tips that you can start using immediately, this is the marketing resource for you! 40 minute audio CD. $25.00
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